Hey all
Just wanted to give a shout out too everyone who made possible and came to our chuch picnic yesterday. Curt spent all day (getting up before dawn) to get the pork roasts smoking, and everyone really stepped up bringing sides and desserts – there was PLENTY to go around, and I sure left full, but not just with food. I always supremely enjoy being able to get together outside of Sunday morning – the fact that others would choose to take time out of their Saturday evening to come spend time with brothers & sisters in Christ is very encouraging. Its things like this, being together in great times, which strengthen our friendships and bond in Christ so that when tough times come we can stand together as not just people who go to the same congregation, but true brothers and sisters who love one another, and have invested in each other more than the occasional handshake on Sunday morning. I look forward to the next picnic, or anytime we get together!
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