Click here for our Sunday morning sermons!
Here you’ll find links to download our Sunday morning sermons. We try to record all of them and edit them to be good quality and a small size for your phone or tablet. They’re categorized by the most recent first. Click the link and you’ll be taken to a media player on which you can either listen to the file, or right click on the play arrow and save the file on your device.
For sermons from 2017 click here!
For sermons from 2016 click here!
For special yearly event lessons, click here!
If you have any questions about anything you hear or would like to learn more, please feel free to contact us!
January 7th, 2018 – “Encouraging Encouragement”- Thomas A. Pruett
We start out the year by looking at the word used in the New Testament for encouragement, learn it also means admonish, implore, rebuke, and a few other things, and then make an opportunity to encourage one another. Listen, and make the opportunity in your life too!
January 14th, 2018 – “Knowing Your Why” – Thomas A. Pruett
Too often people in the world and in the church get caught up in our hows and our whats. But perhaps what really matters to know first is our why. We look at Israel’s why, Jesus’ why, & Paul’s why, and then discover why realizing our why for our lives, family, & church should be a top priority.
June 10th, 2018 – “Intending to be Christian” – Thomas A. Pruett
This sermon challenged us to move from being a waiting or permission-based Christian to an intent-based Christian, one who wakes up every day intending to use your gifts and actively seeking & asking God for Him to bring you opportunities to carry out your intention.
June 17th, 2018 – “What’s Your Destination?” – Thomas A. Pruett
We tend to think of a destination as somewhere you’re going, but what if Scripture us our destination should be who we’re becoming, and where we’re spiritually walking towards or away from? Preaching out of 1st John 1, we delve into how our destination affects our view of success, our very lives, and even our view of who God is. So what’s your destination?
July 22nd, 2018 – “Leading Your Flock” – Thomas A. Pruett
Are shepherds only a title & office in the church? Or does the concept of shepherding apply to all of us? We explore how it’s very much the latter, what that looks like, & what a shepherding relationship needs to look like.
July 29th, 2018 – “More Than One Way To Shep!” – Thomas A. Pruett
Continuing our thoughts on leading & shepherding from the previous week, we explore a fuller, more complete picture of what it means to shepherd, from the nurturing, protecting duties of a shepherd, to the living life example of mentors, to the active interests of equippers.
August 12th, 2018 – “Training Day” – Thomas A. Pruett
The amount of time Olympic athletes spending training is amazing (even when the preacher’s math is wrong!). The same dedication of an athlete training if often applied to Christians, but do we take it seriously? We look at why we should not just because Scripture says to, but because our training affects how we’ll act in the moment of decision.
August 26th, 2018 – “What’s in a Name?” – Thomas A. Pruett
Names matter. It matters to who we are, how we act, & how we live. We explore today how Peter’s confession of Christ was a big deal, why it’s important to recognize we’re His church, and how Peter came to realize this is a great example for us. This is also the intro sermon to our new series about the names of God starting in September.
September 2nd, 2018 – “Names of God 1: Yahweh and Adonai” – Thomas A. Pruett
What’s in a name? Apparently, a lot! We kick off our Names of God series with a look at the background of Yahweh, Adonai, & Jehovah, where they came from, how they were used, and why it matters that God is Yahweh. Does it matter that this is who Jesus was claiming to be as well? Very much so!
September 9th, 2018 – “Names of God 2: Elohim” – Thomas A. Pruett
After looking at Yahweh & Adonai last week, we take a step back…to the first verse of the Bible, and the first time God is mentioned. What does Elohim tell us about God’s character & nature? Why is ‘elohim’ used as a name for a pagan god? And how does Jesus manifest Elohim? Good questions, find the answers!
September 16th, 2018 – “Names of God 3: El Shaddai” – Thomas A. Pruett
Many people know the name ‘El Shaddai’ from a popular Christian music artist in the 1990s, but many people don’t know what the name reveals about God. Here’s the fun part – the meaning is actually debated among scholars! So what’s the full breadth of what it means? God Almighty and…mother? Yes, indeed.
Many Christians are very familiar with the story of Abraham & Isaac on Mt. Moriah, and what Abraham called that place, “The Lord will provide,” or Jehovah Jireh. But do you realize how the witness of what happened there so long ago possibly affected Jesus, and how seeing that place so prominently in Israel affects you? Be a Jehovah Jireh.
By request, we spend another Sunday fleshing out our modern role in Biblical justice. We review the concepts from last week, and then delve into three questions we must ask ourselves when it comes to what Scripture presents as the church’s role in justice, namely, what it looks like to make other people’s problems our problems, as Jesus did for us.
For the last preacher swap of the year, Calvin from Faith Church of Christ brings us a fascinating lesson full of wonderful imagery about what it means to be the bride of Christ, what that marriage looks like, when and what the ceremony is, what how to live in that kind of love that Christ, our groom, values His bride so much that He would die on the tree of the cross for us.
As we begin our December series on worship we look at Psalm 95, which gives us an amazing look at the full worshipper. We often divide people into those that worship and those that don’t, but that’s incorrect. Why does that matter, and how does it affect our mind, emotions, and will? Find out from the writer of Psalm 95, and maybe learn something about yourself too.