Everyone deals with money. Some people deal with less of it, some people deal with more of it, but everyone has the responsibility of managing their finances well. NHCC believes that giving and having the means to give by managing your finances well are Biblical disciplines. There are several programs, in additions to personal Bible studies, that are available and we will host with interest.
Better Halves is a fairly new program that doesn’t just focus on numbers and budgeting so much as our relationship with money. It can be used either as a workshop or in a small group setting, and incorporates fun exercises done as a couple and as a group to illustrate our relationship with money.
Dave Ramsey: Total Money Makeover & Financial Peace University
Dave Ramsey has several resources available for both your own personal use as well as programs offered in a group setting.
Please contact us if you’d like to have a Bible study about money. Financial education is also a part of our premarital & relationship course should that meet your needs.